Biographies as a PR tool
In the last two weeks, I have read two biographies. The first was “ICON” about Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple and the second was “It happened in India”, about Kishore Biyani, founder of the Future group, a large retail chain in India. What struck me after reading both of these books was not only that both these books gave an insight into the personalities of those written about; but also threw light on the organization culture, its values and more importantly the vision of the entrepreneurs.
Walk into any bookstore and you will find at least two or three biographies/ autobiographies in the best sellers list. While the intent of the books is to tell a good story and entertain; the PR potential cannot be under-estimated.
The case for Biographies/ Autobiographies as strategic PR tools
1) Books have longer shelf- life and are credible
While the brand image of a company is built on so many intangibles, including the experience of the customers; a book dedicated exclusively to a person/ a company gives a larger than life image. Especially if a celebrity writer/ journalist has been commissioned to write it; it adds the much needed credibility to the effort. Books by nature have a longer shelf-life and are likely to be read more than newspapers/ magazines and will last longer. Besides, if someone is investing in a book (which is more expensive than a magazine or a newspaper, he/she is more likely to read it). This makes the case for a book very strong.
2) Helps position brand very clearly – amidst all the clutter
A book can get into the depths of how the company/ individual started off, the driving force, the organization culture and everything concerned with it in a way that no other medium can. Consider newspaper articles. Most often, they are short, crisp and unless written by a seasoned journalist; shallow. A newspaper/ magazine article cannot really give in-depth information about the company simply because there is dearth of space in most publications. The clutter is unbelievable if it is a national media. With everyone fighting for those column centimeters; it makes sense to have 500 dedicated pages to build one’s case.
3) Reach
Books can offer a reach to the serious readers. Those customers/ critics who take things seriously and those will make/ break your brand. A display across bookstores/ university libraries and other points of contact with serious and engaged customers can offer unbeatable reach to the company/ individual in question.
4) Employee motivation and engagement
Intuit, a financial software products company gives away a book about the company called “Inside Intuit” to every employee who joins the firm. This is a terrific way to motivate employees to learn more about the workplace and also to engage them in a meaningful way. If the story of the company is appealing and emotional; it can help build a very strong connect with the company. Consider Apple for example. The story of the rise of Apple and especially its founder Steve Jobs is full of drama and adventure. The story has all elements to make it a roller-coaster and a gripping saga of a company rising from being nothing to the top, falling and rising all over again.
5) Engaging the customer
Books engage, they entertain and inform. How many times have you cried while reading or have gone back to a particular book because of the way it makes you feel ? I am sure there are at least half a dozen books that you have read in your lifetime which have touched a deep emotional cord and you would like to read them again and again. Similarly, a well written book of non-fiction has the power to engage the customer in a way that is both rational and emotional.
As PR consultants, we are expected to gain insights about customer behaviour and consumer behaviour and advise our customers accordingly. While the task is to differentiate our clients amidst the clutter, it is also important that we do it in a way that builds the credibility of the brand in a way that is distinct and has a lasting impact. A biography/ autobiography from the founder of the company or a credible writer definitely serves this purpose and I believe it must be embraced by every company which has achieved something of considerable note.