Thursday, September 20, 2007

Connecting dots, minds and hearts

One good “connection” a day. This I believe should be the mantra for living as a PR professional. Much like the Boy scouts, who live by “one good deed a day ” philosophy. While we may come in contact with hundreds of people in a year, not many make an impact on us; and the same holds the other way round. But doing just one small act – consistently on a daily basis can build a huge reservoir of goodwill, network and ultimately healthy community network for us professionals.

On an average day, I make at least 30 phone calls and when there is a lot of work, it could go upto 100 calls a day. And most of these calls are related to work. They are about connecting people, sharing information, informing someone about something they did not know. A PR practitioner’s job is also as much about connecting with and connecting people to people as it is about persuasive marketing communications.

In an increasingly selfish world, where more than 95 % of the time we are concerned about ourselves, a people’s profession such as PR can help us look beyond ourselves and reach out to understand, know and ultimately appreciate other people with a genuine motive. This understanding can ultimately reduce conflict and help create a stable and peaceful world.

Learning to give….
Ours is an inter-dependent world. One man or woman cannot live in isolation, and in an increasingly complex world; even nations are realizing that it is only by sharing that they can survive and thrive.

Just a few days back, we got a request from a client – Apollo hospitals, a major Healthcare provider in Asia. This was an appeal for help from a patient admitted there, who needed funds for treatment and even with his insurance, he is finding it difficult to cover the expenditure. It is a matter of life and death.

What one can do in such times is reaching out to people, connecting the right sources with the right people and ultimately helping a human being. While this may sound quite mundane, how many of us consciously stop and think about such articles written in the media and how many of us actually write a cheque? The concept of sharing information can be a starting point for us to start sharing more tangible things – which may not mean much to us – but could be a matter of life and death for others. All it could take for us to help this case is putting him in touch with an NGO or a Philanthropist.

Christmas breakfast and Ramadhan Iftar parties
Last Christmas I was invited to attend a Christmas breakfast just a few days before Christmas. It was a well organized event for all Non-christians, to get to know more about the Christian faith. And as a participant, I got to know a lot about the religion, the social mores and practices in two hours – than I could have reading ten books about Christian theology. It was a great PR exercise done in good faith. Similarly, Ramadhan Iftar parties ( when one breaks the day long fast) are held in several places each year in India during Ramadhan. They do serve a purpose of familiarizing people who are not from the community to get to know more, to question, to share and ultimately understand each other.

Sharing, understanding can reduce conflict
From a marketing communication perspective, our job is to communicate to sell. Sell stories to the media, sell our client to the Industry body which may help them or sell them to their prospective employees. This ultimately leads to conflict of sorts. So does just living our normal lives. Living with someone under the same roof itself can cause conflict, no matter how much we love a person. There are always differences, differing points of view or differing goals. The only way that one can reach a common ground and start living in harmony is by understanding the other person or group of people and through this understanding will come greater acceptance and hence conflict reduction.

While this may sound simplistic, this is true in both a social context as well as inter-personal context as well as from a marketing context. Brands which share information with their users, which inform the user and which really care about the customers well-being are often trusted more than those who are just out to make money. Concepts such as Corporate social responsibility ( CSR) and Ethical practices are testimony to how even commercial enterprises have started realizing that undermining social, environmental concerns can do harm to them; while taking them into consideration will only do them a lot of good – even to their bottom-line.

What is in it for me ?
So what is in it for me ? You may ask. All this talk of giving, sharing and not hoarding onto information and contacts. Well for starters, the more you give, quite literally the more you receive. How many of us appreciate people who hoard onto money or information and do not like to part with it ? On the contrary, all of us like and appreciate people who give, share – what they have, be it their money, other resources, advise or what ever that will help us.

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