Monday, March 31, 2008

Tools of the trade - Katie Paine

Katie shared a few tools of the trade for measuring PR effectiveness.

Signs that things are changing :
1) I spend more time on Twitter than on Email
2) Where are the gatekeepers of information ?
3) A start up company raised $ 6000 in a few hours on Twitter
4) youtube - Obama and HIllary campaign - where Hillary has more negative clips than Obama
5) IBM gets more sales leads from Podcasts than from their Ads
6) P&G is co-creating marketing with its customers - rather than rely on its marketing team
7) Wikipedia is almost as credible as Encyclopedia Britannica
8) Google has replaced short-term memory

The US Elections as a case study of measuring PR effectiveness

Look at the coverage that the elections have received on :

Metrics that show engagement in a blog:
- Conversation Index ( how many comments on each post etc..)
- Links to blog
- Forwards
- Time between posts
- Tone of discussion

Ways to measure Outtakes
- Relationship studies
- Opinon Surveys

Some tools to see how popular blogs are
- compute
- Quant cost
- Alexa

Ways to measure outcomes
- Membership
- Google Analytics
- Web Analytics
- Donations ( in case of charity etc..)
- Applications (If called for)
- Engagement

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