When it comes to branding your own self ( such a necessity in the current job market), the single most important question you need to answer is : Who the hell are you ?
While there are many of us, who are rather modest about our selves, there is a case to be made to be immodest, to position oneself well and reap the rewards that come from being noticed. Infact, one of my favourite sayings in Hindi ( popular in Mumbai, the financial and commercial hub of India is): " Jo Dikhta hai, wo bikta hai" - meaning, What is visible is sold faster. There is some truth to this statement, even as it applies to us as professionals.
This statement just about sums up everything that you need to do to establish yourself as a credible professional/ artist/ writer. I believe that if one seeks to answer this rather basic question thoroughly, with an in-depth look at the talents, dreams, aspirations, skills, experience that one has; this can be a ticket to the dream job or assignment.
How do i know this ? Well, partly from experience ( honestly, I am no super-achiever), but i do believe i have accomplished a tiny bit of what i wanted to do in life both professionally and personally, and also by observing others. I have made a few career transitions and apart from being lucky, i believe, i did do a few things right.
It is more by reading, observing those who have done very well for themselves that i notice some traits and habits which we can use too,to brand our own work and position ourselves uniquely, to break through the clutter.
So, how does one answer this rather important question ?
Here are a few ways to clarify who you are and to differentiate yourself from all the millions of people out there :
1. Bring what you love : I borrowed this from a documentary title of the Grammy award winning Grot Singer Youssou Ndour, a Senegalese singer. He has made a name for himself by focusing on what he has : his heritage as a Grot singer. He took this age-old traditional singing tradition to the world, packaged it well and is now respected as one of the most original singers Senegal has produced in a long time. Focusing on our own unique skills, traits, heritage may be a good way to answer this question too.
2. Be passionate about what you know, and know it well : There is something to be said about specialisation, though i hate the word. But in today's day and age, it makes sense to focus on one or two narrow pursuits and be on top of what is happening in the field. Nothing replaces depth and expertise. This will instantly win you credibility. Expertise has value.
3. Be credible : It helps to have credibility in your field, and be known as the "go-to" person for any problems or advise that others may want.
4. Showcase your strengths to the best of your ability : There is no point focusing on one's weaknesses, though one should admit them. I am a terrible editor, and i know it. Though, i write (fairly) well. This is something i am aware of, and admit when needed. It helps to be aware of what it is that one brings to the table.
5. Get third party endorsement : It helps if others talk well of you. References, letters of recommendation, Awards are all good ways of establishing one's credibility.
In sum, I believe that everyone today is short of attention. And this includes not only your friends, family, employers but also anyone who you come in contact with. With split-second decision time, people can make decisions which work in your favour or against you.
Given this scenario, branding one self and positioning of one's work clearly is not only recommended, but has become an absolute necessity.
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